Pulau Ubin


Pulau (Island) Ubin is a small island off the north east coast of Singapore. It is largely undeveloped with lots of natural jungle. People can hire bikes to move around the place. It poured with rain when we were out walking so the kids used large leaves as umbrellas and managed to stay dry!

Family On Bum Boat 1.jpg (33524 bytes)Tug & Barge.jpg (61877 bytes)Pulau Ubin Coast.jpg (43630 bytes)Pulau Ubin Island Village.jpg (85697 bytes)Locals On Palau Ubin.jpg (78566 bytes)

Pulau Ubin Main Street.jpg (54608 bytes)Young Coconut Trees.jpg (83159 bytes)Kids Sunshade & Umbrella.jpg (139871 bytes)Kids On Pulau Ubin Beach 1.jpg (40867 bytes)Kids On Pulau Ubin Beach.jpg (48503 bytes)

Alasdair & Name On Beach.jpg (61759 bytes)