

Sentosa is an island just off Singapore that is basically a fun resort with lots to do and see.

Cargo Ships.jpg (17605 bytes)Janice & Parrot.jpg (39686 bytes)Kids & Elephant Statue.jpg (99392 bytes)Kids & Merlion In Distance.jpg (71926 bytes)Kids & Merlion Tail.jpg (61906 bytes)

Kids In Asian Village.jpg (76059 bytes)Kids In Merlions Mouth.jpg (24768 bytes)Kids On Sentosa Beach.jpg (59228 bytes)Merlion In Distance.jpg (74849 bytes)P1240353.jpg (55083 bytes)

Paul & Asian Village.jpg (92243 bytes)Sentosa & Beaches 1.jpg (74048 bytes)Sentosa & Beaches.jpg (84716 bytes)Singapore Harbour From Sentosa 1.jpg (70073 bytes)Swinging Rope Bridge.jpg (62051 bytes)

Volcano Land & Dancers.jpg (56988 bytes)Welcome To Sentosa & Family.jpg (55657 bytes)World Trade Towers.jpg (31097 bytes)